Narbulut Partnership

Let's win together, grow together...


Today data storage and protection are vital for companies. Correct data storage, accessing data again, disaster recovery and affordable prices are necessary.
Data capacities are gradually increasing every day. As the size of data increases, it is highly important to access these data in a fast and reliable way.

Data with different lifecycles must be stored with the most appropriate solution at best performance-cost point. There are certain criteria to be considered to determine which media to store the data in.

These criteria are;
•           How critic the data is and problems that may be experienced if data loss occurs,
•           Data usage frequency,
•           Access speed to required data,
•           Data storage time,
•           Business continuity,
•           Cost,

When needs are analysed based on these criteria, Narbulut completely meets all data storage and back-up solution needs and Narbulut is one step ahead of the competitors with problem-free operation and affordable costs.

Narbulut continues to strengthen its business partner network since the very first day. Let’s get stronger with Narbulut by joining this network.
In this process, our purpose is to ensure long-term, stable and increasing income opportunity for both sides by cooperating with information tech firms that operate in different business fields.


Silinmiş Öğeler

Silinen öğeler kotaya yansıtılmaz. Silinen öğeler 60 gün boyunca saklanır, sonrasında imha edilir.


Otomatik Yedekleme

Yedeklenecek öğenin ilk olarak tam yedeği alınır. Sonrasında sadece fark yedeği alınır. Yedekleme işlemi siz çalışmanıza devam ederken arka planda gerçekleşir. Uygulama veya dosyalarınızı kapatmanız gerekmez.


Sınırsız Versiyonlama

Versiyonlar kotaya yansıtılmaz. 1 ay içerisinde SINIRSIZ VERSİYON tutulur. Geriye dönük 11 ay boyunca her ayın son versiyonu ve bir önceki yılın son versiyonu saklanır.

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